DISCLAIMER: I received an EggMazing Egg Decorator Kit in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are 100% my own.
Decorate Your Easter Eggs with the EggMazing Decorator Kit!
Are you looking for a NEW, mess-free way to decorate Easter eggs? I have one for you! Decorate your Easter eggs with the EggMazing Decorator Kit! The kit has everything you need except for the eggs and four AA batteries.
My boys are 7 (almost 8) and 10 so you can imagine that we have done a variety of ways to decorate eggs. When they were toddlers and pre-schoolers, I opted for things like stickers and markers. As they got a little older, we moved to traditional egg dying and even a couple of the newer trends of egg dying like using shaving cream, adding rubber bands before dying to create patterns, and more. I saw the EggMazing kit last year when a friend posted and thought it looked really neat!
To be honest, I wasn’t sure if my boys would still think coloring eggs would be “cool” this year. Since we have a little extra time on our hands this year, I pulled it out yesterday afternoon, and we had a little fun! It’s super easy to use. All you need is large or extra large eggs and four AA batteries. There is nothing to assemble. Once the batteries are inserted and the egg is in place, just turn it on. The kit includes 8 different colored markers so you can really change up how each egg looks. Gently touch the marker to the egg and it does the coloring for you! You can move the marker side-to-side to get a thicker line or barely touch it for a thinner line. When you are all done, just remove the egg!

One of the things I was most impressed with was that the marker didn’t come off on our fingers when we removed the egg! And, the eggs still look as bright and colorful today as they did when we finished yesterday.
You can pick this up on Amazon or Walmart.com!
I would highly recommend this as a unique way of decorating eggs! What do you think?
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