Kroger: Old Spice Bar Soap 6 count Only $1!
We have a great deal on bar soap for the guys at Kroger! Get Old Spice Bar Soap 6 count for only $1 after coupon when you buy five participating items. That’s like paying $0.17 per bar.
Buy one Old Spice Bar Soap 6 bars $3.00
Buy 5 participating items, Save $5 Instantly!
Minus one $1/1 Old Spice Bar Soap Printable
= $1.00 after coupon wyb 5 participating items!
*There is also a $1/2 Old Spice Products, exp. 6/30/15 (P&G 05/31/15).
Check out all of the other KROGER deals while you’re on Become a Coupon Queen. If you are new to shopping at Kroger, be sure to read Kroger Shopping 101.
Thanks, Kroger Krazy!
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