Kroger Shopping Haul – 57% Savings!
I have been slacking on posting in store deals, I’ll be sharing more soon! Since the holidays, I’ve committed to only shopping in the store once a week so that I can better prioritize my time. It’s been going pretty well. Today, I’m sharing my Kroger Shopping Haul from this morning.
I spent $54.04 after Ibotta rebates and saved $72.67! That’s a 57% savings! Plus, I saved my receipt into Fetch Rewards, Receipt Pal, and Coin Out.
Ball Park Patties $2.99 (Clearance deal)
Steak $5.50 (Clearance deal)
Kroger Gala Apples 5lb $4.99
Kroger Mandarins 3lb $2.97
Blueberries $2.99
Kroger Milk $1.79
Kroger Eggs 18ct $1.48
Kroger Bread $1.00
Buy two Tyson Any’tizers $3.99 (today and Saturday only with Kroger Digital Coupon)
Minus two $1.25/1 Tyson Chicken Strips or Tyson Any Tizers Snack product
Pay $5.48
Submit for two $0.25/1 Tyson Anytizers Snacks any variety, 11 oz bag or larger Ibotta rebate (limit 5)
= $4.98 (or $2.49 each) after coupons and Ibotta deposit!
Buy one Tyson Crispy Chicken Strips $3.99 (today and Saturday only with Kroger Digital Coupon)
Minus one $1.25/1 Tyson Chicken Strips or Tyson Any Tizers Snack product
Pay $2.74
Submit for two $0.25/1 Tyson Crispy Chicken Strips any variety, 24 oz bag or larger Ibotta rebate (limit 5)
= $2.49 after coupon and Ibotta deposit!
Buy one Farm Rich Mozzarella Sticks $3.99 (today and Saturday only with Kroger Digital Coupon)
Minus one $1.00/1 Farm Rich Snack 15.2oz or larger in 1/19 SS
= $2.99 after coupons!
Buy three Frigo String Cheese 12ct $3.99
Buy five participating items, Save $5 Instantly!
Minus three $1.00/1
Frigo Cheese Heads Cheese Product 8ct or larger in 1/5 SS
= $1.99 after coupon wyb 5 participating items!
Buy two Perdue Short Cuts $3.49
Buy five participating items, Save $5 Instantly!
Minus two $1.00/1 Perdue Short Cuts Carved Chicken Breast Products in 1/12 RMN
= $1.49 after coupon wyb 5 participating items!
Buy one Kroger Deluxe Ice Cream $2.79
Buy five participating items, Save $5 Instantly!
Minus $0.45/1 Kroger Deluxe Ice Cream Kroger Digital Coupon
= $1.34 after coupon wyb 5 participating items!
Buy three Halo Top Ice Cream Pints $3.99
Minus one $2/2 Halo Top Ice Cream Coupon from Kroger Coupon Mailer
Minus $1.00/1 Halo Top Ice Cream Kroger Digital Coupon
= $1.99 each after coupons!
Buy one Love Grown Cereal $3.49
Buy five participating items, Save $5 Instantly!
Minus $1.50/1 Love Grown Cereal Kroger Digital Coupon
= $0.99 after coupon wyb 5 participating items!
Buy one Back to Nature Cookies $2.14
Buy five participating items, Save $5 Instantly!
Minus one $0.75/1 Back to Nature Cookies Coupon in Kroger Coupon Mailer
= $0.39 after coupon wyb 5 participating items!
Buy three SkinnyPop Popcorn $2.99
Buy five participating items, Save $5 Instantly!
Minus three Skinny Pop Ready to Eat Popcorn Bag in 1/5 SS
= $0.99 each after coupons wyb 5 participating items!
Buy one Smuckers Grape Jam $2.29
Buy five participating items, Save $5 Instantly!
= $1.29 wyb 5 participating items!
Buy three Pepperidge Farm Goldfish $1.97
Buy five participating items, Save $5 Instantly!
Minus $1.00/2 Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Coupon in Kroger Coupon Mailer
= $0.64 each after coupon wyb 5 participating items!
A couple things to note:
- My Kroger stores no longer accept internet printable coupons. This makes me really sad, but I’ve still been able to get some awesome deals!
- The Kroger Digital Coupons are no longer valid on Clearance items. However, I do not see that restriction on the paper coupons.
- Have you heard about the new Kroger Cash Back program? I saved an additional $5.44 today from this!
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