***It looks like this coupon is gone already but if you printed it you can snag this deal***
WOW – not only can you get charcoal for FREE at Dillons and Kroger this week but you also turn it into a Money Maker at Walmart. Hurry up and print this coupon $5/1 on any one Kingsford® Original, Match Light® or Hickory Charcoal Product (zip 75034) and run to Walmart. Here is the deal:
Kingsford Match Light (3.3 lb) $4.37
Use $5/1 Printable Coupon (zip 75034)
Final Price FREE + $0.67 Money Maker!
or you can do this deal
Kingsford Original Charcoal (8.8 lb) $5.37
Use $5/1 Printable Coupon (zip 75034)
Final Price $0.37
We have a gas grill but my husband loves to smoke food such as turkeys and fish so I will be snagging a few bags for him.
Walmart’s coupon policy states you receive your overage when a coupon’s value is more than the item. Go HERE to print their policy.
the coupon is gone already 🙁