We have another awesome deal on Sea Cuisine meals, this time for all of you Kroger shoppers. These are on sale for $4.99, and you’ll be able to score some easy-to-make seafood meals for just $3.99 after coupon!
Buy one Highliner Sea Cuisine $4.99
And minus one $1/1 Highliner Sea Cuisine Product printable
Or minus one $1/1 Highliner Sea Cuisine Product printable
Or minus one $1/1 Highliner Sea Cuisine Product, 1/31 SS (exp. 10/31)
Or minus one $1/1 Highliner Sea Cuisine Product, 3/6 SS (exp. 12/6)
= $3.99 after coupon!
Check out all of the other KROGER deals while you’re on Become a Coupon Queen. New to shopping at Kroger, be sure to read Kroger Shopping 101 for everything you need to know.
Thanks, Kroger Krazy!
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